Wow Built To Scale

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Built to Scale

Uncommon gear
15 40



Built to scale wow

Collect Storm Drake Scales from the Stormwing drakes in Hrydhsal.

Thorium builder. Good thinking gathering up these scales. It should be simple enough to make a solid piece of armor from them. 14,800 XP +150 reputation with Valarjar; Progression 100 - 110 Will of the Thorignir 100 - 110 A Grapple a Day 100 - 110 No Wings Required & 100 - 110 To Weather the Storm. Side quest: 100 - 110 Built to Scale. Below are the minimum and recommended system specifications for World of Warcraft® and the Shadowlands® expansion on Windows® and Mac®. Due to potential programming changes, the minimum system requirements for World of Warcraft may change over time. Note: For a list of compatible video hardware, see our Supported Video Cards list. Apr 27, 2020 Zone scaling, also known as level scaling,[1] causes mobs, quests, and loot to scale with the player character's level over a range. This allows the player more freedom to choose where they level. It was first introduced in Legion for zones in the Broken Isles, but later expansions expanded the feature retroactively to include the entire game. However, scaling usually excludes end game. You can gain or lose favor, otherwise known as reputation, with many of the several different factions in Azeroth by completing certain quests or killing certain creatures (mostly bosses and mobs). Doing so will usually unlock special rewards or new quests to accomplish. You can also increase your reputation by doing repeatable reputation quests. 1 Reputation levels and points 2 Reputation. These major changes to World of Warcraft's leveling process will be implemented beginning in patch 7.3.5, well before the Battle for Azeroth expansion arrives.

  • [Storm Drake Scale] (50)


The vrykul around here seem to use scales from these drakes to fashion their armor.

If you were able to gather enough material from the local drakes, you may be able to make something useful out of it.


Wow Built To Scale
You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
[Electrified Stormwing Cord][Humming Stormwing Wrap]
[Charged Stormwing Belt][Reinforced Stormwing Waistguard]
[Charged Stormwing Robes][Electrified Stormwing Vest]
[Humming Stormwing Chest][Stormwing Plate Chestguard]

You will also receive: 15 40 (at level 100)

Wow Built To Scale


What have we here?


Good thing. If the vrykul can use the drake scales for their armor, why not us?

It shouldn't be too tough to work this into something servicable.


  • 15,050 XP (at level 100)




  1. [100 - 110] Will of the Thorignir
  2. [100 - 110] A Grapple a Day
  3. [100 - 110] No Wings Required & [100 - 110] To Weather the Storm
    • Side quest: [100 - 110] Built to Scale
  4. [100 - 110] Impalement Insurance
  5. [100 - 110] Another Way
  6. [100 - 110] Above the Winter Moonlight
  7. Complete all of:
    • [100 - 110] Heart of a Dragon
    • [100 - 110] Wings of Liberty
    • [100 - 110] Fury of the Storm
  8. [100 - 110] Where Dragons Rule
  9. [100 - 110] Cry Thunder!
    • Unlocks [110WQ] Cry More Thunder!

Patch changes

  • Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.

External links

Retrieved from ''

UI Scale is enabled from the Main Menu in the 'Video Options' section under 'Resolution'. From here, you must enable 'UI Scale' in order to take advantage of this feature. As outlined in UI Coordinates, UI Scale is normalized to a height of 768px regardless of actual screen resolution. UI Scale is the frontend extension of that to the user.

To demonstrate, let's assume we have a texture onscreen that is 256x256 pixels large. If the actual y-res matches the WoW y-res (e.g., 1024x768 = 768) then our texture will show as 256px (768/768 = 1*256 = 256). Menu calendar. As we increase our resolution, so does our multiplier ([actual y/WoW y] = multiplier). Observe the following (all results are with the same 256x256 texture):

Y-ResolutionScale 1.0 MultiplierScale Off MultiplierScale 0.64 Size

Contour. A couple points of interest:

  • The UI Scale goes from 1 to 0.64. At 768y we see pixel-per-pixel accurate representation of our texture, and again at 1200y if at 0.64 scale.
  • When UI Scale is turned off, the Scale Off Multiplier changes gradually and is not initially a constant.
  • In each case after 768y, unless the UI Scale is enabled, your texture will be overblown past its intended size. Given that these higher resolutions show more detail, your textures will appear successively worse.

Pixel perfect UIs and you

Wow built to scale system

Collect Storm Drake Scales from the Stormwing drakes in Hrydhsal.

Thorium builder. Good thinking gathering up these scales. It should be simple enough to make a solid piece of armor from them. 14,800 XP +150 reputation with Valarjar; Progression 100 - 110 Will of the Thorignir 100 - 110 A Grapple a Day 100 - 110 No Wings Required & 100 - 110 To Weather the Storm. Side quest: 100 - 110 Built to Scale. Below are the minimum and recommended system specifications for World of Warcraft® and the Shadowlands® expansion on Windows® and Mac®. Due to potential programming changes, the minimum system requirements for World of Warcraft may change over time. Note: For a list of compatible video hardware, see our Supported Video Cards list. Apr 27, 2020 Zone scaling, also known as level scaling,[1] causes mobs, quests, and loot to scale with the player character's level over a range. This allows the player more freedom to choose where they level. It was first introduced in Legion for zones in the Broken Isles, but later expansions expanded the feature retroactively to include the entire game. However, scaling usually excludes end game. You can gain or lose favor, otherwise known as reputation, with many of the several different factions in Azeroth by completing certain quests or killing certain creatures (mostly bosses and mobs). Doing so will usually unlock special rewards or new quests to accomplish. You can also increase your reputation by doing repeatable reputation quests. 1 Reputation levels and points 2 Reputation. These major changes to World of Warcraft's leveling process will be implemented beginning in patch 7.3.5, well before the Battle for Azeroth expansion arrives.

  • [Storm Drake Scale] (50)


The vrykul around here seem to use scales from these drakes to fashion their armor.

If you were able to gather enough material from the local drakes, you may be able to make something useful out of it.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
[Electrified Stormwing Cord][Humming Stormwing Wrap]
[Charged Stormwing Belt][Reinforced Stormwing Waistguard]
[Charged Stormwing Robes][Electrified Stormwing Vest]
[Humming Stormwing Chest][Stormwing Plate Chestguard]

You will also receive: 15 40 (at level 100)


What have we here?


Good thing. If the vrykul can use the drake scales for their armor, why not us?

It shouldn't be too tough to work this into something servicable.


  • 15,050 XP (at level 100)




  1. [100 - 110] Will of the Thorignir
  2. [100 - 110] A Grapple a Day
  3. [100 - 110] No Wings Required & [100 - 110] To Weather the Storm
    • Side quest: [100 - 110] Built to Scale
  4. [100 - 110] Impalement Insurance
  5. [100 - 110] Another Way
  6. [100 - 110] Above the Winter Moonlight
  7. Complete all of:
    • [100 - 110] Heart of a Dragon
    • [100 - 110] Wings of Liberty
    • [100 - 110] Fury of the Storm
  8. [100 - 110] Where Dragons Rule
  9. [100 - 110] Cry Thunder!
    • Unlocks [110WQ] Cry More Thunder!

Patch changes

  • Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.

External links

Retrieved from ''

UI Scale is enabled from the Main Menu in the 'Video Options' section under 'Resolution'. From here, you must enable 'UI Scale' in order to take advantage of this feature. As outlined in UI Coordinates, UI Scale is normalized to a height of 768px regardless of actual screen resolution. UI Scale is the frontend extension of that to the user.

To demonstrate, let's assume we have a texture onscreen that is 256x256 pixels large. If the actual y-res matches the WoW y-res (e.g., 1024x768 = 768) then our texture will show as 256px (768/768 = 1*256 = 256). Menu calendar. As we increase our resolution, so does our multiplier ([actual y/WoW y] = multiplier). Observe the following (all results are with the same 256x256 texture):

Y-ResolutionScale 1.0 MultiplierScale Off MultiplierScale 0.64 Size

Contour. A couple points of interest:

  • The UI Scale goes from 1 to 0.64. At 768y we see pixel-per-pixel accurate representation of our texture, and again at 1200y if at 0.64 scale.
  • When UI Scale is turned off, the Scale Off Multiplier changes gradually and is not initially a constant.
  • In each case after 768y, unless the UI Scale is enabled, your texture will be overblown past its intended size. Given that these higher resolutions show more detail, your textures will appear successively worse.

Pixel perfect UIs and you

As a result of how WoW handles UI coordinates, having an improperly set UI scale may result in various glitches with interface addons. For instance, a one pixel wide border on a frame may have a varying width (ie. occasionally appear to be two pixels wide) depending on the frame's position and size.

To rectify this behaviour, you should set your UI scale so that your screen height matches with the UI coordinates. You can find out the correct UI scale from UIScale = 768 / verticalResolution, and set it with the command /console UIScale [number].

For instance, if you play with a 1920x1080 resolution, the correct UI scale would be 768/1080 = 0.7111.., and you would set that by typing /run SetCVar('UIScale', 0.7111111111) in the chat.

Note that the above only works for screen resolutions up to 1200 vertical pixels (0.64 UI scale), as the setting won't go lower than 0.64. For screen resolutions above 1920x1200, you will have to use/run UIParent:SetScale(UIScale)where UIScale is the decimal number you got out of the equation above. Since this setting is not saved, you'll have to use an addon that rescales the UI every time the game loads (ie. after every loading screen). While writing such an addon is a trivial task, you can also download one if you can't be arsed to figure out how to write it yourself.

Wow Built To Scale Guitar

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