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U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
Disability Rights Section

If due to circumstances outside the control of the owner, either the slope of the finished ground level between accessible facilities and buildings exceeds one unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (1:12), or where physical barriers or legal restrictions prevent the installation of an accessible route, a vehicular route with parking that complies with Section 1106 at each public or common.

  • An accessible route must always be provided from the accessible parking to the accessible entrance. An accessible route never has curbs or stairs, must be at least 3 feet wide, and has a firm, stable, slip-resistant surface. The slope along the accessible route should not be greater than 1:12 in the direction of travel.
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  • Accessible parking spaces may be clustered in one or more facilities if equivalent or greater accessibility is provided in terms of distance from the accessible entrance, parking fees, and convenience. Van-accessible parking spaces located in parking garages may be clustered on one floor (to accommodate the 98-inch minimum vertical height.

When a business or State or local government restripes parking spaces in a parking lot or parking structure (parking facilities), it must provide accessible parking spaces as required by the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design (2010 Standards).

In addition, businesses or privately owned facilities that provide goods or services to the public have a continuing ADA obligation to remove barriers to access in existing parking facilities when it is readily achievable to do so. Because restriping is relatively inexpensive, it is readily achievable in most cases. State and local government facilities also have an ongoing ADA obligation to make their programs accessible, which can require providing accessible parking.

This compliance brief provides information about the features of accessible car and van parking spaces and how many accessible spaces are required when parking facilities are restriped.

One of six accessible parking spaces,
but always at least one, must be van-accessible.

The required number of accessible parking spaces must be calculated separately for each parking facility, not calculated based on the total number of parking spaces provided on a site. One of six (or fraction of six) accessible parking spaces, but always at least one, must be van accessible.

Parking for hospital outpatient facilities, rehabilitation facilities, outpatient physical therapy facilities or residential facilities have substantially different requirements for accessibility (see 2010 Standards 208.2).

Minimum Number of Accessible Parking Spaces

2010 Standards (208.2)

Total Number of Parking Spaces Provided in
Parking Facility
(per facility)

(Column A)

Minimum Number of
Accessible Parking Spaces
(car and van)

Mininum Number of Van-Accessible Parking Spaces
(1 of six
accessible spaces)

1 to 25 1 1
26 to 50 2 1
51 to 75 3 1
76 to 100 4 1
101 to 150 5 1
151 to 200 6 1
201 to 300 7 2
301 to 400 8 2
401 to 500 9 2
500 to 1000 2% of total parking
provided in each
lot or structure
1/6 of Column A*
1001 and over 20 plus 1
for each 100 over 1000
1/6 of Column A*
*one out of every 6 accessible spaces


Accessible parking spaces must be located on the shortest accessible route of travel to an accessible facility entrance. Where buildings have multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking, the accessible parking spaces must be dispersed and located closest to the accessible entrances.

When accessible parking spaces are added in an existing parking lot or structure, locate the spaces on the most level ground close to the accessible entrance. An accessible route must always be provided from the accessible parking to the accessible entrance. An accessible route never has curbs or stairs, must be at least 3 feet wide, and has a firm, stable, slip-resistant surface. The slope along the accessible route should not be greater than 1:12 in the direction of travel.

Accessible parking spaces may be clustered in one or more facilities if equivalent or greater accessibility is provided in terms of distance from the accessible entrance, parking fees, and convenience. Van-accessible parking spaces located in parking garages may be clustered on one floor (to accommodate the 98-inch minimum vertical height requirement).


Features of Accessible Parking Spaces

Accessible Parking Spaces with
60-inch Minimum Width Access Aisle for Cars


1. Parking space identification sign with the international symbol of accessibility complying with 703.7.2.1 mounted 60 inches minimum above the ground surface measured to the bottom of the sign.

2. If the accessible route is located in front of the parking space, install wheel stops to keep vehicles from reducing the clear width of the accessible route below 36 inches.

3. Two parking spaces may share an access aisle except for angled parking spaces (see below).
Access aisle width is at least 60 inches, must be at the same level and the same length as the adjacent parking space(s) it serves, maximum slope in all directions is 1:48, and access aisle must connect to an accessible route to the building. Ramps must not extend into the access aisle.

4. Parking space shall be 96 inches wide minimum, marked to define the width, and maximum slope in all directions is 1:48.

5. Boundary of the access aisle must be clearly marked so as to discourage parking in it. (State or local laws may address the color and manner that parking spaces and access aisles are marked.)

Additional Notes:

Where parking spaces are marked with lines, width measurements of parking spaces and access aisles are to centerlines, except for the end space which may include the full width of the line.

Access aisles may be located on either side of the parking space except for angled van parking spaces which must have access aisles located on the passenger side of the parking spaces.

Additional Features of Van-Accessible Parking Spaces

Van-accessible parking spaces incorporate the features of accessible parking spaces on the previous page and require the following additional features: a 'van accessible' designation on the sign; different widths for the van parking space or the access aisle; and at least 98 inches of vertical clearance for the van parking space, access aisle, and vehicular route to and from the van-accessible space. The first image below shows a van-accessible space with a 60-inch minimum width access aisle. The second image shows a van-accessible space with a 96-inch minimum width access aisle. Both configurations are permitted and requirements for van-accessible signage and vertical clearance apply to both configurations.

Van-Accessible Parking Space with
60-inch Minimum Width Access Aisle

Notes (for illustrations above and below):

1. Parking space identification sign with the international symbol of accessibility and designation, 'van accessible.' Note, where four or fewer parking spaces are provided on a site, a sign identifying the accessible space, which must be van-accessible, is not required.

2. Vertical clearance of 98 inches minimum to accommodate van height at the vehicle parking space, the adjacent access aisle, and on the vehicular route to and from the van-accessible space.

3. Van parking space must be 132 inches wide minimum with an adjacent 60-inch wide minimum access aisle. A van parking space of 96 inches wide minimum width an adjacent 96-inch wide minimum access aisle is also permitted (see below).

Van-Accessible Parking Space with
96-inch Minimum Width Access Aisle

Where four or fewer parking spaces are provided on a site,
signage identifying the van-accessible parking space is not required.


For more information about the ADA, please visit our website or call our toll-free number.

ADA Website

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ADA Information Line

800-514-0301 (Voice)


800-514-0383 (TTY)

Call Monday – Wednesday, Friday 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Thursday 12:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) to speak with an ADA Specialist. Calls are confidential.

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For people with disabilities, this publication is available in alternate formats.


2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
(available on and from the ADA Information Line)

Sections 208 & 502 Parking Spaces

Section 206 Accessible Route

Duplication of this document is encouraged.

December 2015

The Americans with Disabilities Act authorizes the Department of Justice (the Department) to provide technical assistance to individuals and entities that have rights or responsibilities under the Act. This document provides informal guidance to assist you in understanding the ADA and the Department's regulations.

This guidance document is not intended to be a final agency action, has no legally binding effect, and may be rescinded or modified in the Department's complete discretion, in accordance with applicable laws. The Department's guidance documents, including this guidance, do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities beyond what is required by the terms of the applicable statutes, regulations, or binding judicial precedent.

This guide explains requirements in the ADA Standards and referenced sections of the International Building Code (IBC) and was developed in cooperation with the International Code Council.

Required Compliance with the IBC


Further information on the IBC is available from the, International Code Council (ICC) at (888) 422-7233) or

Accessible means of egress must be provided according to theInternational Building Code (IBC). Issued by the International CodeCouncil (ICC), the IBC addresses the number of means of egress requiredand technical criteria for them, including fire–resistance rating,smoke protection, travel distance, width, and other features. TheStandards currently apply the IBC 2003 edition or the 2000 edition and2001 supplement. The Access Board plans to update these references.Compliance with a later edition may be possible under the provision for'equivalent facilitation' (§103) if it is comparable to, or stricterthan, the referenced editions.

Means of Egress

A means of egress is an unobstructed path to leave buildings,structures, and spaces. A means of egress is comprised of exit access,exit, and exit discharge.

Components of a Means of Egress

Required Means of Egress [IBC §1007.1 (2003), §1003.2.13 (2000)]

The IBC requires at least two means of egress from all spaces andbuildings with few exceptions. Some spaces and buildings are allowed tohave one means of egress if the travel distance to an exit is short andthe occupant load is low. For example, a business occupancy with no morethan 30 occupants and a maximum exit access travel distance of 75 feetis permitted to have a single means of egress. More than two means ofegress are required where the occupant load is 500 or more (at least 3)and 1,000 or more (at least 4). The IBC requirements for accessiblemeans of egress apply to new construction; accessible means of egressare not required to be added in alterations to existing facilities.

An accessible means of egress, as defined by the IBC, is a 'continuousand unobstructed way of egress travel from any point in a building orfacility that provides an accessible route to an area of refuge, ahorizontal exit, or a public way.' Where more than one means of egressis required from any accessible space, each accessible portion of thespace must be served by at least two accessible means of egress.Accessible spaces can be served by one accessible means of egress onlywhere the IBC permits one means of egress.

Accessible Means of Egress

Accessible spaces must be served by at least two accessible means of egress with few exceptions. Accessible means of egress must extend from all accessible portions of a room or space. The IBC specifies maximum travel distances to reach an exit.

Accessible means of egress can share a common path of egress travel as allowed for means of egress by the applicable building or life safety code (§207.1).

The IBC (2003) permits one accessible means of egress from:

  • wheelchair seating in assembly areas with sloped floors where the common path of travel meets aisle requirements for assembly areas and
  • mezzanines served by an enclosed exit stairway or elevator equipped with standby power.

Exit Access on Floors Above (or Below) the Level of Exit Discharge

On floors above or below the level of exit discharge, accessible meansof egress must lead to exit stairways, horizontal exits, or to elevatorsequipped with standby power. These are locations where those unable touse stairs can await assisted rescue by emergency responders. It isstandard operating procedure for emergency responders to check theselocations first for anyone needing assistance.

Accessible Means of Egress Leading to Exit Stairs
Areas of Refuge

Exit Stairway Enclosures [IBC §1007.3 and 1019 (2003), §1003.2.13.2 and 1005.3.2 (2000)]

The IBC contains requirements for exit stairway enclosuresthat address fire-resistance and smoke protection, stairways andhandrails, signs, and other features. The ADA Standards applyrequirements for stairways to each stair that is part of a requiredmeans of egress (§210).

Exit Stairway Enclosures


[ADA Standards §210, §504]

Stairways and handrails that are part of a means of egress are addressedby the IBC (§1009 (2003), §1003.3.3 (2000)). In addition, interior andexterior stairs that are part of a means of egress must comply withrequirements in the ADA Standards (§504).

In alterations, stairs between levels that are connected byan accessible route (e.g., ramp or elevator) are not required to meetthe ADA Standards, but handrails must comply when the stairs are altered(§210.1, Ex. 2).

Treads and Riser Specifications in the ADA Standards (§504)

Nosing Specifications

Stairway Handrails Requirements in the ADA Standards (§504)

Protruding ObjectsThe ADA Standards address hazards posed by protruding objects, such as standpipe valves, along circulation paths, including stairways and inaccessible routes (§204). The standards limit the protrusion of objects with leading edges that are above 27' high and no more than 80' high. Such objects are limited to a 4' protrusion into circulation paths, but a 4 ½' protrusion is allowed for handrails. Protrusions up to 12' are specified for objects mounted on posts or pylons (§307).


[ADA Standards §504.6]

Specifications in the ADA Standards for handrail surfaces and clearancesfacilitate a power grip along the handrail length. Handrails can havecircular or non-circular cross-sections. The gripping surface andadjacent surfaces must be free of abrasive or sharp elements. Handrailscannot rotate within fittings. The IBC also includes requirements forstairway handrails (§1009 (2003), §1003.3.3 (2000)).

Circular Cross Section and Clearance (§505.5, §505.7)

Non-Circular Cross Section and Clearance (§505.5, §505.7)

Areas of Refuge [IBC §1007.6 (2003), §1003.2.13.5 (2000)]

Areas of refuge are fire-resistance rated and smoke protected areaswhere those unable to use stairs can register a call for evacuationassistance and await instructions or assistance. They must providedirect access to an exit stairway (or to an elevator equipped withstandby power). Horizontal exits can substitute for areas of refuge.

Features of Areas of Refuge

Area of Refuge Identification [IBC §1007.6.5 (2003), §1003. (2000)]

The IBC requires that doors providing access to areas of refuge beidentified by a sign that includes the term 'AREA OF REFUGE' and theInternational Symbol of Accessibility (ISA). Both the IBC and the ADAStandards apply requirements for tactile and visual characters to thearea of refuge signs.

Sample Area of Refuge and Exit Sign

Areas of refuge are not required in facilities that are equipped throughout with an automated sprinkler systems in compliance with the IBC. Sprinkler systems suppress or control fires, and also pinpoint their location, making response more efficient and timely. In addition, areas of refuge are not required in open parking garages, apartment buildings, detention and correctional facilities, or open exit stairways between floors in buildings with sprinkler systems meeting the NFPA 13 Standard.

Horizontal Exits [IBC §1021 (2003), §1005.3.5 (2000)]

A horizontal exit compartmentalizes a building allowing occupants toexit the area containing the origin of a fire into another portion ofthe building that is protected by fire-resistance-rated assemblies(doors, walls, ceilings, and floors). A horizontal exit separates aspace into two exit access areas. IBC requirements for horizontal exitsaddress fire-rated separation, opening protectives, capacity, and otherfeatures.

Horizontal Exit

Horizontal Exit and Enclosed Exit Stairways

Elevators with Standby Power [IBC §1007.4 (2003), §1003.2.13.3 (2000)]

In buildings with four or more stories above or below the level of exit discharge, at least one accessible means of egress must be an elevator with standby power and emergency signaling devices. Designed to remain operational even when regular electrical service is lost, they are used by emergency responders to move personnel and fire-fighting equipment and to provide assisted rescue. Like all elevators, they are not to be used independently by building occupants in emergencies.

Exit Discharge [IBC §1023 (2003), §1006 (2000)]

Accessible means of egress must connect exits to a public way, such as astreet or alley (i.e., space permanently deeded and dedicated to publicuse).

Exit Discharge

Exit discharge is the path from an exit to a public way

Steep terrain and other constraints can make it difficult to provide anaccessible means of egress from building exits to a public way. The IBCpermits an exterior area for assisted rescue, a protected areaimmediately outside a building exit, where a connecting accessible routeto a public way from the level of exit discharge is not practicable.Alternatively, an interior area of refuge can be provided at exits. Whenused as an alternative to an accessible route from exit discharge to apublic way, they must be provided, including in buildings that aresprinklered.

Interior Area of Refuge at Exit

Exterior Area for Assisted Rescue [IBC§1007.8 (2003), §1003.2.13.7 (2000)]


[ADA Standards §216, §703]

The ADA Standards cover tactile and visual features of signs, includingthose that serve means of egress. Only certain signs are subject torequirements for tactile and visual access, while a broader range issubject to the visual criteria only. Tactile signs must includecompliant raised characters and braille characters and be located atdoors 48' to 60' above the floor or ground (§703.2). Visual criteriaaddress the height, style, proportion, and spacing of characters, aswell as finish and contrast, line spacing, and other features (§703.5).Tactile and visual requirements can be met on the same sign or onseparate signs.

Tactile and Visual Signs

[ADA Standards §216.2]

The IBC requires exits and exit access doors to be marked by illuminatedexit signs (§1011, §1003.2.10). In addition, the IBC requires a tactile'EXIT' sign adjacent to the door to an egress stairway, an exitpassageway, and the exit discharge (§1011.3, §1003.2.10.3 – 2000addresses doors to egress stairways only). The ADA Standards include asimilar requirement for visual and tactile exit signs at doors at exitstairways, exit passageways, and exit discharge (§216.4.1). (An exitpassageway is a horizontal component of an exit that is separated frominterior building spaces by fire-resistance-rated construction thatleads to the exit discharge or public way.)

The ADA Standards also require that signs identifying 'permanent roomsand spaces' meet tactile and visual criteria (§216.2). This requirementapplies to signs identifying stairways, floor levels, and areas ofrefuge.

Examples of Signs Required to Meet Tactile and Visual Criteria

Exit signs (located at exits) and signs identifying permanent spaces, such as stairways, floor levels, and areas of refuge, are required to meet tactile and visual criteria. Signs providing direction to such spaces and to exits must comply as visual signs, but not as tactile signs. Instructional content included on signs, such evacuation instructions, also must meet visual criteria but not those for tactile characters.

Visual Signs

[ADA Standards §216.3]

Signs providing direction to, or information about, interior rooms andspaces must meet visual criteria in the ADA Standards, but are notrequired to be tactile (§216.3). This requirement applies to informationabout spaces, such as rules of conduct and evacuation instructions, exitroute maps, and directional signs to exits and other elements andspaces.

The ADA Standards specifically apply these requirements to signsproviding directions to accessible means of egress required by the IBC(§1007.7 (2003), §1003.2.13.6 (2000). The IBC requires that such signsbe provided at elevators serving accessible spaces and those exits thatdo not provide an accessible means of egress. Other directional egresssigns provided, including egress route maps, also must meet requirementsfor visual signs in the ADA Standards. In addition, the ADA Standardsapply the visual criteria to posted instructions in areas of refugerequired by the IBC (§216.4.2).

Examples of Signs Required to Meet Visual Criteria Only

Visual criteria, but not tactile criteria, apply to directional signs,informational signs, rules of conduct signs, and posted instructions.

Accessible Beige Sherwin Williams

Pictograms and Symbols of Accessibility

[ADA Standards §216.2]

Where pictograms are provided to identify a permanent roomor space, such as a stairway, they must include text descriptors thatcomply with requirements for raised characters and braille (§216.2). Inaddition, the pictogram must meet finish and contrast criteria and belocated on a field at least 6' high.

Pictograms that provide information about a room or space, including theInternational Symbol of Accessibility (ISA), or that are included ondirectional signs must comply with requirements for finish and contrastbut are not required to include the verbal equivalent in raised andbraille characters or to be located on a 6' minimum high field. The ISAand other required accessibility symbols must comply with the specifiedsymbol referenced in the ADA Standards.

Pictograms that provide information about a space or that are included on directional signs must meet finish and contrast requirements but are not required to have text descriptors or to be located on a 6' min. high field. The ISA must conform to the illustration in the ADA Standards (§703.7.2.1).

Other Requirements in the ADA Standards

Platform Lifts

Platform lifts, where permitted on an accessible means of egress, must have standby power (§207.2).

Fire Alarm Systems

Where fire alarms systems are provided, they must meet requirements foraudible and visual features in the ADA Standards and the referencedNFPA 72 Fire Alarm Code (§215).

Operable Parts

Operable parts used by building occupants, including alarms pulls andhardware for fire extinguisher cabinets, must comply (§205, §309). Theymust be usable with one hand and without tight grasping, pinching, ortwisting of the wrist, or more than 5 pounds of force. Non-fixedelements, such as fire extinguishers, are not subject to the ADAStandards.

Automated Doors

Maneuvering clearance is required on the egress side of automated doorsunless they are equipped with standby power or they stay open inpower-off mode (§404.3.2). The standards also require a minimum 32'break out opening for doors unless equipped with standby power or acompliant manual swinging door also serves the same means of egress(§404.3.6).

Fire Safety Evacuation Planning

Fire safety evacuation planning is a critical component of life safety.Evacuation plans and procedures should address the needs of all facilityoccupants, including those with disabilities. Various products areavailable that can facilitate assisted evacuation of people withdisabilities in emergencies. Mobility aids, such as emergency stairtravel devices, also known as evacuation chairs, are available totransport people unable to use stairs. These devices are designed withrollers, treads, and braking mechanisms that enable a person to betransported down stairs with the assistance of another person. TheRehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of NorthAmerica (RESNA),, has developedconsensus Standards for emergency stair travel devices through theAmerican National Standards Institute (RESNA ED-1:2013 – AmericanNational Standard for Evacuation Devices – Volume 1: Emergency StairTravel Devices Used by Individuals with Disabilities). It is importantthat evacuation chairs be located so that they do not obstruct requiredmeans of egress.

Common Questions

Are exit doors usable only in one direction required to comply on both sides?

Under the ADA Standards, compliance is not required on both sides ofthose doors or gates that can be used in one direction only, such asexit-only doors. Compliance is required only on the usable side.However, if a door or gate is usable in both directions, evenoccasionally, such as exit-only doors that may automatically unlock inemergencies to be usable from both directions, then compliance on bothsides is required.

Can stair handrail extensions overlap door maneuvering clearances?

No, handrails and other elements cannot overlap door maneuveringclearances. However, the door maneuvering clearance can be offset up to8' from the face of the door to accommodate wall thickness, casework,handrails, moldings, and other elements at doorways.

Are fire extinguishers required to comply with the ADA Standards?

In general, elements that are not fixed or built in, including fireextinguishers, are not required to comply with the ADA Standards.(However, non-discrimination provisions in regulations issued under theADA may be pertinent to the usability of equipment and furnishings bypeople with disabilities.) The ADA Standards apply to fixed elements,such as a fire extinguisher cabinet, and require compliance withapplicable requirements, including those for operable parts and storage.Fire hose cabinets and other elements used only by fire fighters are notrequired to comply.

Do limits on protruding objects apply to stairways?

Yes, requirements for protruding objects are not limited to accessibleroutes and apply to all circulation paths, including stairways and theirlandings.

When door vision lights are limited to 100 square inches by the fire code, is compliance with the specified maximum height of 43' to the bottom edge still required?

Yes. The Standards do not exempt such doors from the requirement forvision lights (§404.2.11). However, compliance is not required when thelowest part of the vision light is more than 66' from the finish flooror ground.

Accessible Chef

Do requirements of accessible means of egress apply to employee work areas?

Yes, requirements for accessible means of egress apply to employee workareas. The ADA Standards (§203.9) require that employee work areas 'bedesigned and constructed so that individuals with disabilities canapproach, enter, and exit the employee work area' and apply requirementsfor accessible means of egress (§207.1) to employee work areas. Employeework areas also must include wiring for visible alarms if they areserved by audible alarms, and those that are 1,000 square feet or moremust have compliant common use circulation paths.


Where can one get further information or technical assistance on the IBC, including its requirements for means of egress?

Accessible Systems

Technical assistance on the IBC is available from the International CodeCouncil (ICC) at (888) ICC-SAFE (422-7233) or by email at For further information, visit the ICC's website at

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